Five of these islands are domestically inhabited and together with 22 others from the four major zones; Zone I is the core sanctuary area and is out of bounds to all, Zone 2 is the wilderness area open to limited tourism, Zone 3 is the utilization area, Zone 4 is the buffer zone.

At least 66 genera of corals have been identified; 353 species of reef fish; 7 species of giant clams and other marine organism such as mollusk, sponge, soft corals and sea worm. There are 16 species which are categorized as the endangered and rare species such as Green Turtle (Chelonia Mydas), Hawksbill Turtle (Eretmochelis Imbricate), Giant Clam (Tridacna Maxima), Sand Clam (Hippopus Hippopus), Boring Clam (Tridacna Crocea), China Southern Clam (Tridacna Derasa)
Lamun and Seaweed Plain.
The identified Lamun are Thalassia Hempicrii), Cymodocea Rotundata, Thalassodendron Ciliatum, Enhalus Acorodes, Halophila Ovate, Halodule Uninervis, Halodule Pinifolia, Halophila Ovalis, Syringodium Isoetifoliu.
Mangrove Forest Ecosystem

Coastal Forest Ecosystem
The ecosystem is characterized by Terminalia Cattapa, Casuarina Equisetifolia, Seaeta Frutescens, Pempis Acidula, and Hibiscus Tiliaceus.
Ecosystem of Lowland Tropical Rain Forest
It is the habitat of some endemic butterflies. Some species that have been identified in Karimunjawa are Euploea Crameri Karimondjawaensis and Idea Ieuconooe Karimondjawaensis. There is also Ular Edor, a poisonous snake (Calloselasma Rhodosthomd) and White-Bellied Sea Eagle (Heliaeetus Ieucogaster).